Shop Portal Details
This is your Project Page. It's a great opportunity to help visitors understand the context and background of your latest work. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want to share.

Full Telematic Integration
Document flow in your shop is critical. Don't waste time, keep a customer waiting, or get stressed out. The Shop Portal will get everything going where it needs to go when it needs to go. With automated emails and text messages, keep everyone informed at all times
Full Tracking of Vehicles and Alerts
Vehicle Keyless Entry with Smart Phone
Vehicle Disablement
Email or Text Estimates or Invoices with a single click
VIN lookup, integrate lookup, scanner input
Parts only invoices to counter sales
Easy upload of pictures/videos/PDFs, electronic file
Communicate with customers about estimates, jobs and invoices
Confirm customer appointments from your smart phone
Vehicle Tracking
You need to do some planning to have a well run shop. With a little planning, available in the Shop Portal, you can make sure all jobs are profitable, control your inventory, track your tech's time and optimize your shop with a balanced calendar.
Profit analysis on all Estimates and Jobs
Create labor codes, parts and fees 'on the fly'
Track inventory in Shop Methods and automatic update in external financial systems such as Quick Books Online
Automatic generation of Purchase Orders and emailing to vendors
View technician time charged to tasks
Track employee clock in/out
View graphic calendar for scheduling of jobs across resources
Custom forms, communications, and reports

Fuel Card Integration
With a well organized shop you can do things efficiently with high quality. Shop Methods allows you to keep your office organized and running smoothly.
Create and maintain Standard Jobs, and quickly setup up common tasks
Create multiple Invoices for a given Job
Collect multiple payments of a variety of payment types for each Invoice
Credit accounts, larger customer's pay monthly
Create Estimates directly from customer appointments
Automatic nightly reporting, subscribe to the reports you want delivered each morning
Automatic emailing of important reports Run multiple shops from Shop Methods
​Unlimited Regions
Unlimited Shops in a Region